The Classical Dutch · Chess Openings

The Classical Dutch is a very aggressive opening system. It’s not well known, and players with white can often be caught off guard with it!

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The Dutch Defense is a very powerful weapon to add to your repertoire. It’s an opening system rather than an opening with an exact move order, and it can be reached via many different moves, and played against many different openings white chooses.

It can be employed against the Reti, English, and even Nimzo-Larsen, but the main line Dutch is played against d4.

the center straight away by playing f5, thus taking control of the e4 square, and making it very hard for white to expand in the center. The downside of the move f5 is that it weakens the black king in more ways than one. It weakens the seventh rank, and both diagonals looking at f7.

Both sides have plenty of options at their disposal after the starting moves 1.d4 f5. White could choose to enter the main lines, but he could also play the London system (with Bf4), the Raphael variation (with Nc3), the aggressive Staunton Gambit (with e4, giving up a pawn), or the Hopton attack (Bg5). The normal way for white to play, though, is with c4, g3 and Bg3.
Against these main setups for white black can choose between three different systems withing the Dutch defense; the Leningrad Dutch, the Classical Dutch, and the Stonewall Dutch.

The Classical Dutch is probably the simplest and strongest choice as a permanent weapon in your repertoire. It’s versatile, fun, attacking and uncompromising, and most white players have no idea whhat to do about it.
That means that if you know the plans and your opponent doesn’t, and he knows no theory either, you’ll be winning some quick games!



  1. I love his content, but his deep swallowing after every minute is a little gross.

  2. This video is amazing. I beat someone OTB today who was rated 350+ more than me. (2001). Thank you so much for this fantastic content. I knew exactly what to do and what to aim for for the first 12 moves.

  3. Awesome work! Your explanation of concepts rather than move orders is THE best I found so far, even compared to paid courses. If I had one wish, it would be explaining even more the pawn breaks for both sides, e.g. as white, how exactly do I use my advanced queenside pawns, making sure black does not just lock it up. Again, thanks for all the awsome videos!

  4. "Most often it won't work, because white is not an idiot." Clearly you underestimate 1000 elo players

  5. How to counter the landon system. Don't let your opponent play the landon.

  6. Great video, great explanations! What I'm missing a bit is the mentioning about that, if you play e5 instead of e6 vs the English setup (and play Bc5 or b4 instead of e7), then it is exactly a reversed Grand Prix attack (which is my favourite weapon vs the Sicialian). Btw that's why I want to learn this classical variation, instead of the stonewall. It would getting closer my repertoire.

  7. honestly you explained it better than simon williams

  8. Ive been looking for openings against d4 for a while now since ive stopped using the grunfeld. Would you recommend this opening for a 1400 elo player, if not what opening would you recommend?

  9. I stumble how to handle the dutch with white

  10. Amazing as always 🙂 . Greetings from Greece ( I am just so excited about the Leningrad video )

  11. I've been a longtime dutch player, but then shifted to the King's Indian. I'm keen on coming back to my dutch after watching your videos.

  12. you live up to your expectations!!!! thumbnails are op!

  13. Thank you for all your effort and for sharing

  14. Kudos for your Future..
    Greetings from India

  15. For Leningrad Dutch, can you cover what to do against london/jobava london as well? At my rating range it's a lot more common for the opponent to go for a london system rather than the main lines against dutch

  16. For Leningrad , could you pls focus on the warsaw variation (c6 instead of Qe8)

  17. I play a lot of classical dutch as black at around your level of elo. One thing you didn't mention is the common theme of going Bb4 after white has a knight on c3, instead of the usual Be7. Often it's desirable to trade your DSB for white's knight, as the 1) knight controls the important e4 square and 2) the DSB is often a problematic piece that isn't very happy on e7 and 3) black has less space in this opening. This is especially beneficial if you double white's pawns by taking on c3. For example after 1. c4 f5 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 e5 4. Nc3, now Bb4 is strong. In the mainline white delays the Nc3 move until black has committed his bishop to e7, but at our level people often mix up their move orders

  18. Great lecture. When you must win with Black, Classical Dutch appears very reasonable.

  19. "Most often it won't work, because white is not an idiot." – Best quote

  20. Do you think in English stjepan when you play chess ha? I’m curious!

  21. Hey, Stjepan, can you start the English opening in the next series?

  22. I love your videos, keep them coming please! Very informative and they're drastically improving my game.

  23. Love your videos can you cover staunton gambit against dutch for white and black ideas

  24. 10:30 isn't it impossible to take on e5? the following desperado is completely losing for black… (11. exf; exf 12. fxe and the bishop can't be taken)

  25. What do you do in the Dutch if they castle queenside? I played a match and they did that and it just kind of ruined al the attacks. Thanks a lot you have the best chess channel no others go into the detail that you do

  26. “Excuse me ‘I know everything now’”
    That made me laugh. Good stuff

  27. Hey, I’ve watched all the videos of this serie.. Great job and thank you very much.
    One question tho: will you make a video about playing the Dutch against the London System (from black perspective)?

  28. I think I stumbled upon gold here! You present just the right amount of info for a superb introduction to the dutch def. Other instructive yt chess content often leaves me with a lingering feeling of either not being satisfied or completely overwhelmed by the 18th variation of the 19th most played sideline in the history of the first moves in chess. At least that's how it feels to me from time to time 😅
    And besides I geniunely enjoy listening to this accent of yours!! Subscribed the second the video ended =)

  29. my man, you are awesome, keep it up!!

  30. In my experience people at sub 1600 level do not usually fianchetto as white. They tend to play some sort of Nc3 nf3 c4 set up with a queenside attack.

  31. Going back to the drawing board determined to be a Dutch master.

  32. great video. have you had any chance to implement any dutch games OTB?

  33. I am enjoying this instructive series. I want to play C5 against E4 and F5 against D4, C4, g2, Nf3 exclusively. That should cover a huge amount of black game possibility.

    With white I will just play e4 trying to limit my play to exclude Rui Lopez and most Scicillians except c2. Looking to get similar positions to advanced French or Italian mostly.

  34. I love Simon Williams… he's one of my favorite Chess streamers, but this video is the most helpful and comprehensive I have found on the Classical Dutch. Great work!

  35. Such a great video! I've watched it many times now. Still a beginner, so honestly, it's hard to remember though. Would love to see a video of various attempts at the queenside attack – when it works, doesn't, and why. Thanks!

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