King’s Gambit Declined: Chess Opening Strategy, Moves & Ideas to WIN More Games

King’s Gambit Declined Repertoire – Here’s a useful chess opening strategy where black declines & counter attacks in response to white’s pawn sacrifice in the KGD. There are various chess opening tricks, traps, strategies, gambits, moves, tactics and ideas that you can use to win more games. In this video, I will show you some common opening variations & tactical ideas for both white & black pieces in the King’s Gambit Declined line. I will show you the most popular responses by black – the Classical Defense, the Falkbeer countergambit, Nimzowitsch counter gambit, Modern Defense, Idiot Trap (checkmate), Queen’s knight defense, Staunton line etc. We’ll discuss all the king’s gambit theory, concepts, mainlines & important variations. It’s a really aggressive opening & a good one to try on the chessboard, especially in Blitz or Bullet games. Bobby Fischer, Morphy & Andersen played this opening quite successfully in the romantic era of chess. These ideas & strategies will help you in winning chess games against your friends & other players who are not prepared for this opening. I also have an interesting Chess Puzzle for you at the end of this video. Let’s see if you can solve that. Don’t forget to watch the King’s Gambit Accepted variation here:

Video Timestamps:
0:00 King’s Gambit Declined: Introduction & Setup
0:57 Classical Defense…Bishop c5
1:08 The Idiot Trap in King’s Gambit
1:35 Classical Defense in the KGD – Most Solid option
4:25 Falkbeer Countergambit – Best Attacking option
5:49 Modern Defense – Accepted line
6:02 Falkbeer Countergambit…d5
8:19 Nimzowitsch counter gambit
8:44 Queen’s Knight Defense – Knight c6
9:03 d6 Response by Black
9:18 Chess Puzzle

King’s Gambit Declined – Main Variations:
2….Bc5 (Classical Variation) – Secret Weapon #1
3….d6 (Most common move by black)
2….d5 (Falkbeer Countergambit) – Secret Weapon #2
3….e4 (Staunton line)
3….exf4 (Modern Defense)
3….c6 (Nimzowitsch-Marshall Countergambit)
2….Nc6 (Queen’s Knight Defense)

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  1. I tried it, but when my dad played the queen, he moved it to h5 or h4. Idk what to do now!!! Help!!!!!!

  2. Puzzle answer
    H3+ only move Kf4, g3+ only move to take the night K×f3, and finally Re3#

  3. Sir,please keep subtitle a side it is merging white pieces…

  4. 1.h3+ Kf4
    2.g3+ K×f3
    Plz mark if it is correct

  5. If he plays d6 and aims for the pin with the bishop you develop your bishop to c4 if he still goes for the pin the e5, e5, bf7, kf7, ne5, if king goes to attack night take with knight if king retreats take with queen, then opponent plays nf6, qe6, if kg5 then mate if qf7 then qd8, qd8 forced, qd8, kd8, nf7 king and rook fork and you’re up material

  6. H2 paun to H3. G4 king to F4. G2 paun to G3. F4 king to E3. E5 rook to E3.

  7. why the hell your so good at saying "what you should be doing is clicking that like button right now "

  8. Sir for the subtitles we couldn't see the video clearly in mobile phone.

  9. I fell into the Idiot trap, then in a rematch, I crushed him by not being greedy.

  10. I dunno why but to look like carry minati 😉

  11. Puzzle solution
    White rook to g5 check
    Then black king has to move f4
    Then white g2 pawn to g3 check
    Only move left is to move the king to e4 then white rook to e5

  12. Please do a video in kings Gambit declined pantelkandis countergambit variation

  13. My favourite response to kings Gambit is 1 e4 e5
    2 f4 f5

  14. Simply move the ruke to G5 so the king should safe him , he automatically captures ruke now we have knight checkmates the king

  15. The best move for white is rook to g5 checkmate. I love so much your videos ❤️😍🥰🥳😇😗❤️MAKE MORE😍🥰🥳🥰😇😘

  16. Thank you Chess Talk for this pretty video & the solution is:
    H3+ Kf4
    G3+ Kxf3
    Finally Re3#

  17. lol idiot trap made me laugh what a name xD

  18. First pawn to h3 the king is checked and the only option is to move to f4 then the pawn to g3 and its a check mate for black

  19. Puzzle
    1. Pawn to g3
    2. King to g2
    3. Pawn to h3
    Checkmate ✅

  20. first h3 check king f4 g3 check king is forced to take the knight then rook to e3 is a checkmate

  21. Solution for the puzzle=1.h3+ kf4
    2.g3+ k×f3

  22. Sir can you make another videos with King's Gambit ?

  23. Sir can make another video about How to crush Falkbeer countergambit?? Plz

  24. H2 pawn to H3 check, Knight F3 to H2, G2 pawn to G3 checkmate HAPPY NEW YEAR Jeetendra, may 2023 bring you health , happiness and prosperity. Cheers from Vancouver Canada

  25. Playing this gambit against gm's isn't that bad but it is very very complex and requires good reading of what is going to happen….after a move..a I literally don't recommend players below 1300 or 1400 rating to playing this…

  26. h3+, Kf4, g3+, Kxf3, Re3#

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