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In this classical game played live on stream, I played with “opening odds” against fellow streamer RookieRedhead. I hope you enjoy seeing our thought processes during the game!
Watch for these themes (if you’re trying to learn something):
-Opening principles
-Material imbalances
-Concrete calculation
-Prophylaxis (anticipating opponent’s best moves and preventing them)
-Narrowing down candidate moves
-Long-term middlegame plans
-Pawn structure
-Pawn tension
-Piece activity
-Open vs. closed positions
-Objective positional evaluation
-Forcing moves
-Time management
-King safety
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00:00 – Classical game against RookieRedhead
Original outro music by Nela Ruiz
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Please note: I do not offer coaching or training games online.
Enjoy the longer video this week! Thanks again to RookieRedhead for the awesome collab; you can check out her socials in the description. Also, sorry the music is occasionally super loud – I’m still getting used to the whole streaming thing 😅
This was super scary but also fun 😁 thank you so much, i learned a lot playing against you 😊
You could develop your pieces or play a opening you know
Cool video. I like seeing both perspectives.
Very interesting to see this and think it through as it went along. Both players were worried most of the way that they were losing! Interesting swings in apparent advantage. White seemed to have got in f4 without a gambit, but then let Black play Bg4 and Nd4! Instead of Bxf3, Nxf3+ seems to simply win a pawn with a better position, Bxh3 next whether White recaptures on f3 or not. In the game, I would have castled K side to link the Rooks because with a couple of minor pieces gone I don't really fear White's attack, and the R still defends f7. With the exchange ahead, I would try to break open the position for my Rooks. That finally happened at the end and was decisive. (I thought c6 might be preparing d5 which is always a potential freeing move for Black.) White then made valiant efforts to counterattack on the Q side but Black defended resourcefully with Qd7. It would have been interesting to see what happens after cxb5 cxb5 Bd5+ Ka6, Nc3 looks useful for White (possibly even sac-ing on b5). But Black could then exploit the open c file and maybe double Rooks. I agree the final position is resignable, White will simply be a Rook down without compensation.
Thanks to both of you! I loved the format! And loved the game! Congratz to you two!
"This does not seem like a move a grand master would play."
If I had a nickel for every time that applied to a move I decided to make…
My rating has increased 100 points since discovering you. Thanks!:)
Loving your content lately, Kamryn. Keep it up! Let's of good info in this.
More of this please
Another superb new concept. Really enjoyed this. Can I suggest Fatality from CFN as your next opponent.
Thank you both for doing this video! As someone who only started playing a couple of months ago, it was encouraging to watch seasoned players go through their process, especially when encountering an unknown or unfamiliar opening. That's basically how I feel in every game!
@kamrynheidi let's have a game.
It is so interesting how subtle pawn play is. Multiple times she mentioned that she kind of wanted to relieve the tension with exf4, but that she should probably leave the pawn in the middle. Which totally makes sense and is exactly what I think. Meanwhile stockfish eval was begging for this move almost every move with it being the best or second best. But how do you even intuitively know to do that.
Kamryn, 8. …Nxf3+ instead of Bxf3 would win the h3 white pawn.
Thanks for the videos.
From Brazil.