How to play Time Control Chess

Learn the rules toTime Control Chess quickly and concisely – This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original Chess rules, check out this video:

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The rules are the same as regular chess except for these changes. If you run out of time you lose the game. Set the chess clock to the side of the board in easy reach between the two players. The playing going second presses their button to start the game. During your turn, your time counts down. Press your button to stop your time and start your opponent’s time. If your time reaches zero, you lose; unless opponent has insufficient material to win, then the game is a draw instead.

There are multiple types of speed chess that change the constraint for the amount of time each player gets to make their moves. You can choose to play with or without time increments if you like. A time increment is the amount of time, usually in seconds, that is added to your time after you complete a move. You can play with “partial time” so that your increments can never bring your time higher than the amount of time you began your turn with. You can play with “limited time”. Limited time means that each player must make each single move within a certain time limit or they lose. The limit resets after each move. You can play with “Time Buffer” which means that a player is not allowed to end their turn until a specified minimum amount of time has passed. You can configure the players to have different amounts of time in order to accommodate for difference in skill.

During setup, configure a chess clock to the appropriate time according to the variant you are playing. Rapid Chess is anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes per player and is commonly played with 10 second time increments. Blitz Chess is 10 minutes or less per player, but typically uses 3 minutes with 2 second increments. Bullet Chess is anything less than 3 minutes per player, with lower time controls being called hyperbullet for 30 seconds per player and ultra bullet for 15 seconds per player. Bullet typically plays with 1 or 2 second increments.

If you play online you don’t have to worry about knocking over pieces and you can also allow pre-moving, which is the ability to make your move before the opponent has taken their turn, thus automatically moving your piece on your turn, using up very little time.

Armageddon chess is a variant of Blitz chess where black wins drawn games but white gets more time on the clock. Common times are 6 minutes for white and 5 minutes for black. Lightning chess limits each move to 10 seconds or less, with the time resetting after each move.

Determine which rules you will play with before beginning a game.


  1. Usually, Black has the choice as to which side the clock is placed. As depicted at the start of the video, the right-handed Black should probably have chosen the clock to be to his/her right.

  2. The rules are same as regular chess, except for these changes:


  3. Now i know im better then triple sss games at chess

  4. lol this is just regular professional chess

  5. Online and in chess clubs this is basically just standard chess.

  6. No, with black having more material than just a mere white knight & king, the game continues until black wins or anyone lost on time.

  7. Magnus Carlsen would taunt any players during Bullet games, "Too Weak Too Slow!"

  8. I almost want to see you try out Hyperbullet chess in a video.

  9. Personally i'm a fan of hourglass chess; during your opponent's turn, while their time ticks down, yours ticks up, and vice versa, usually with a total time "shared" between the two players.

  10. The big one he missed is that classically you have to use the same hand you moved the pieces with to hit the timer. No moving with your left hand and hitting the tiner with your right (or vice-versa)

  11. 0:33 is that really insufficient material tho? White could've mated with the following position: (b is for black, w is for white)
    bKa8, bRa7, bNb8, wKa6, wNc7 and pawns wherever they don't get in a way of distrupting the position

  12. It is said that time limits were first instituted after an opponent drove 19th century grandmaster Paul Morphy to frustration by taking several hours on one move.

  13. Playing an early queen attack in the demonstrations, oh god

  14. not me thinking that the addition was gonna be you and your opponent gain time control powers

  15. All I really know is that it makes chess online more interesting, and also playing Jenga with a chess clock can be hilarious

  16. 0:33 FIDE/Lichess considers this a loss for White while USCF/Chesscom says it’s a draw. Black would essentially need to back itself into a corner in order to lose and that’s where the disagreement lies. This disagreement is only with the Knight, both federations agree that 1 bishop left isn’t sufficient material. Please redo this video, this has already caused confusion in the comments section.

  17. if someone runs out of time, then if the position has no mate for the opposing side in any series of legal move, then it is draw.
    the example you show us, white has a knight and black has a few pieces, in which case mate is theoretically possible if the king goes to the corner and one of the non bishop pieces blocks the opponents escape square, and the king the others, checkmate can be delivered

  18. Hi can you teach us how to play baloot?

  19. Him: "Determine which rules you are using before beginning the game."
    Gary Larson: First put on pants, THEN put on shoes.

  20. mistake: the clock is place left of white. Standard for tournament. I'm a district player so i know.

  21. What kinda of maniac thinks that an hour for a game of chess is “rapid”?

  22. You didn't explain a variant, you explained the clock.

  23. My Variation:
    If you play with the Limited Time, you must make a move before the small timer expires, or your turn is skipped. You don't lose however. Of course, If you wish to not act, you can also wait out the timer. Not a smart move though.

  24. Bubblun The Bubble Dragon (Bubble Bobble Leader) says:

    Can be Blitz or Bullet, depending on the Time Limit.
    Also: There's "Chess Blitz" and "Chess Bullet".

  25. Crystal Clear with 8BE (Enzo Sandoval) says:

    Time control chess is very common in chess tournaments, even when we also see chess grandmasters do that too.

  26. You used your own board instead of the included board

  27. If you have no time left, you will be ‘checkmated’.

  28. Свѣтославъ Петровски ⚛️ says:

    I prefer slow and long games that can last up to a few days.

  29. I played 10” |
    0 increment Chess960 against a friend : won once & lost once.

  30. ♜♞♝♚♛♝♞♜


  31. Another type of time control that is fairly common is delay. When playing with a delay of X, A player's clock time doesn't start counting down until X seconds have elapsed. That way, players always have a bit of time to make a move, but can't accumulate time on their clock like with increment.

  32. Im just watching this cuz im making an animation of chess with a timer on my yt channel but i have no idea how a timer works so thanks for the vid

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