Hikaru reacts to Dubov’s thoughts on chess


  1. Dubov is cool. And he has a nose to open a can of tuna with. So he would make for a very funny and convenient friend.

  2. laughing all clip long looking like a monkey who cant say anything intelligible usually doesn't say much about you, but instead tells a lot about you

  3. Drunken Blitz-Rapid you say? Could work. Galway? Aarhus?

  4. GM coach: it takes hard work to become a GM
    Dubov: PARTY!

  5. I react to Hikaru………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  6. Dont put subtitles on for your own health!

  7. Why does this have so many views? What value did Hikaru bring to this clip?
    Dislike + "don't recommend channel".

  8. He's just afraid of drunk Magnus Carlson

  9. Even Magnus doesn't care. So he's always late

  10. Just as you think it can't get any better, he references one of Grischuk's jibes at the very end 😂

  11. So that's why Magnus always arrives at rapids in pijamas and with a water bottle for hangover…

  12. At the end his clearly talking about her 😂

  13. I don't know who this guy is but looks like his left half is missing from the thumbnail.

  14. didn´t know dubov´s left arm was amputated

  15. Bro the captions in the first 12 seconds 💀

  16. Dubov is 100% right. That's just one reason he is my favorite GM right now. And he's going to say what he thinks regardless of popular opinion.

  17. Blitz: Drunk
    Classic: Sober
    Rapid: You can have a couple of drinks

  18. Said world's champion of rapid 2018))

  19. To be fair, If I had to work for 5 minutes in a day, I also would not know if I should party all night.

  20. Only time hikaru couldn't pre move the laugh. Dubov was so unpredictable.

  21. A drunk Cagnus Marlsen enters the chat

  22. This guy's secret profession is Comedian.

  23. Forced laugh… man i can spot a fake laugh every time.

  24. can someone share the full episode link

  25. Dubov is a gentleman, Nakamura is a clown

  26. I thought his left half of chest was missing lol

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