The London Chess Classic brings together the world’s best players between December 4 and 13, 2015. Join GMs Yasser Seirawan, Maurice Ashley, Alejandro Ramirez, and WGM Jennifer Shahade for the move-by-move analysis. This is the third and final leg of the Grand Chess Tour.
Ayeeee homie nice vid bruhh keep em comin:)
I enjoy this stuff a lot and particularly like the Seirawan-Ramirez parts. They are great!
Poor Yaz, all this commentating is hard on the vocal cords…
The conversation about different ways to combat boring-draw syndrome was interesting… so the obvious question now is why isn't St Louis experimenting with these ideas rather than the commenters complaining about the lack of experimentation at other venues.
watching thing halfway thru; I hope Michael got a good under-the-table payoff for this; because he's dead. dead, dead, dead. and Hikaru has what he's been waiting for; a chance to play the wild card player and get up 1-0; and that's what's going to happen. so say I.
Dudes; with respect to Topalev; and I mean with a lot of respect for topalev, what does he care? he told you going into retirement. He can go live on his Aunt's farm parcel in Russia and put his money in Russian Stocks that pay 6-1/2% dividends and smile all the way to the grave. there's more to chess than chess; like life, for instance.
Hikaru wins 1-0; and improves his position in the tounament. these guys have IQ's you know; they can actually think.
Ah, England; the broke little Island country that's a "merry olde whatsit" theme park for tourists; and yes I'm a Scotsman. We don't forget or forgive.
There are no "different levels of understanding of the openings"; but what can you expect from a flack hired to promote a St. Louis civic regeneration program; which to be fair about it; is working quite well. Sooner or later, of course, IQ will assert itself; and since it's genetic; the whole thing about "scholastic improvement"; which is PC code for you know what; will crash and burn.
with regard to 3:26;52; yeah; of course, you're right. and right means what it always means; 100% correct; no debate, no opinions; you're right. why don't they do it ? think about modern advertising. why don't they have one hour NASCAR races ? To go from the sublime to the ridiculous. Advertising. That being said; you're right.
Magnus Carlsen; prodigy. what's a prodigy ? it's someone who has adult super abilities at very young age, and THEN BURNS OUT. Look for him to be Magnus, who ? in about two years.
4:12:30 I'm watching in real time; no cheating. you think this new D pawn is of little or no significance ? very poor analysis. it's how end game masters score 1-0; and that's what's going to happen in this game.
I love to watch live chess, but not almost all games are draws and the games themselves bore my pants off. Obviously many players are holding back for the candiates in march?
I'll certainly give this another tumbs up b/c of the stellar team and overall production quality. But I hope this tournament will kickstart some experiments against frequent draws, beginning with the "turn the board around and play with shorter time control" idea (@3h:25m+).
Seirawan; like him a lot; one of the best ever
3:38:42 :->
iyi bir oyun ortaya koymuşlar
dang. just saying, but adams looks great for his age. Doesnt he? I mean, he could be 30. The guy has it all.
3:39:00 LOL
4:32:45 — Great discussion and analysis. What Topalov as black may need to do is indeed sac his bishop, but keep rooks on the board and have prepared a position where, after the bishop sac for white's b-pawn, his rook can help force a further exchange of pawns. The problem with that is, with black's rook occupied, the black king will be driven either to his first rank, or mated. With white's king close by, black may well succeed in forcing a pawn exchange and thus a theoretically drawn rook v rook and knight ending, but at the cost of his king.
4:36:40 — I don't think it helps him, but Nakamura as black by playing c6-c5 may be aiming at a rook and pawn v rook and pawn ending where he captures instead g3 with his rook, and he and white take three pawns each in a massacre on the Kside. He ends up with a pawn he can push to white's third rank, while white's rook pawn is only as far as its current position on a4. White's rook is behind black's remaining pawn and white's king is close enough to keep it from queening, but it's probably a better chance than letting white's king endlessly blockade black's pawn coming to g3. It gives Adams a chance to make a mistake, is the point.
5:10:00 — Nothing like a "short" 18 minute break, guys.
5:29:10 — "We are witnessing a blunderfest here in London…" We witnessed one in Norway, as well. It was shocking. I'd love to see computer software advance to the point where it can give a close approximation of a player's rating based on his moves, then compare not just contemporary players by tournament, but contemporary versus historical players. It should give a satisfactory answer to the question, would Fischer have beaten Kasparov? Could Carlsen have beaten prime Karpov?