Amazing Chess Game : Magnus Carlsen vs Vishy Anand – London Classic (2012) – Spanish (C65)

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Photo courtesy of Ray Morris-Hill

Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand
London Chess Classic (2012) · Spanish Game: Berlin Defense (C65)

[Event “London Chess Classic”]
[Site “0:00:33-0:38:33”]
[Date “2012.12.10”]
[EventDate “2012.12.02”]
[Round “9”]
[Result “1/2-1/2”]
[White “Magnus Carlsen”]
[Black “Viswanathan Anand”]
[ECO “C65”]
[WhiteElo “?”]
[BlackElo “?”]
[PlyCount “121”]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.Nc3 d6 6.Na4 Bb6 7.Nxb6
axb6 8.c3 Bd7 9.Ba4 Ne7 10.Bc2 Ng6 11.h3 O-O 12.O-O h6 13.Re1
Re8 14.d4 Bc6 15.dxe5 dxe5 16.Qxd8 Rexd8 17.g3 Nd7 18.Be3 Nc5
19.Nd2 Nf8 20.f3 Nfe6 21.h4 Bb5 22.a3 Rd7 23.b4 Nd3 24.Reb1
Ba4 25.Bxa4 Rxa4 26.Kf1 b5 27.Ke2 Ra6 28.h5 c5 29.bxc5 Ndxc5
30.Rxb5 Na4 31.Rc1 Rc7 32.Nb1 f6 33.c4 b6 34.Rd5 Nac5 35.Rc2
Rc6 36.Rb2 Kh7 37.Rb4 g6 38.hxg6+ Kxg6 39.Rd2 h5 40.Nc3 Rxa3
41.Nd5 Kf7 42.Nxb6 Nb3 43.Rd7+ Ke8 44.Rb7 Nbd4+ 45.Bxd4 Nxd4+
46.Kd1 Kd8 47.Rd7+ Ke8 48.Rb7 Kd8 49.Nd5 Ra1+ 50.Kd2 Ra2+
51.Rb2 Rxb2+ 52.Rxb2 Nxf3+ 53.Kd3 Ng5 54.Rb8+ Kd7 55.Rb7+ Kd6
56.Nxf6 Ra6 57.Ne8+ Kc5 58.Rc7+ Kb4 59.Rb7+ Kc5 60.Rc7+ Kb4
61.Rb7+ 1/2-1/2

[Event “4th London Chess Classic”]
[Site “London ENG”]
[Date “2012.12.10”]
[Round “9.2”]
[White “Carlsen, Magnus”]
[Black “Anand, Viswanathan”]
[Result “1/2-1/2”]
[ECO “C65”]
[WhiteElo “2848”]
[BlackElo “2775”]
[Annotator “Tryfon”]
[PlyCount “122”]
[EventDate “2012.12.01”]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. d3 (4. O-O) 4… Bc5 (4… d6) 5. Nc3 d6 6.
Na4 (6. Bg5 a6 7. Ba4 b5 8. Bb3 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nd5 Qd8) 6… Bb6 (6…
Bb4+ 7. c3 Ba5 8. b4 Bb6) 7. Nxb6 axb6 8. c3 Bd7 9. Ba4 Ne7 10. Bc2 Ng6 11. h3
(11. O-O Bg4 12. h3 Bh5 13. g4 (13. d4) 13… Nxg4 14. hxg4 Bxg4 15. Kg2) 11…
O-O 12. O-O h6 13. Re1 Re8 14. d4 Bc6 15. dxe5 dxe5 16. Qxd8 Rexd8 17. g3 Nd7
18. Be3 Nc5 19. Nd2 Nf8 20. f3 Nfe6 21. h4 Bb5 22. a3 Rd7 23. b4 Nd3 24. Reb1
Ba4 25. Bxa4 (25. Nb3 c5) 25… Rxa4 26. Kf1 b5 (26… Kh7 27. Ke2 Kg8 28. Nc4)
27. Ke2 Ra6 28. h5 (28. Nb3 Rc6) 28… c5 (28… Kf8 29. Nb3 Rc6 30. Bd2 Ra6) (
28… Rc6 29. c4 bxc4 30. b5 Rcd6 31. Nxc4) (28… Rd8 29. Nb3 Rc6 30. Bd2 b6
31. Nc1 Nxc1+ 32. Rxc1 Ra8) 29. bxc5 Ndxc5 30. Rxb5 Na4 31. Rc1 Rc7 32. Nb1 f6
33. c4 b6 34. Rd5 Nac5 35. Rc2 Rc6 36. Rb2 Kh7 37. Rb4 g6 38. hxg6+ (38. a4
gxh5 39. Nc3 Ra7 40. f4 h4 41. fxe5 fxe5 42. gxh4 Nf4+ 43. Bxf4 exf4 44. Kf3
Na6) 38… Kxg6 39. Rd2 h5 (39… Ra7 40. Kf2 Ra6 41. Rd1 Na4 42. f4 Nec5 43.
Kf3 Ra8 44. f5+ Kg7 45. Rh1) 40. Nc3 (40. Kf2 Ra7 41. Kg2 Kf7 (41… Rh7 42.
Nc3 h4 43. gxh4 Rxh4 44. Nd5 Rh7)) 40… Rxa3 41. Nd5 Kf7 42. Nxb6 (42. Rdb2
Na4 43. Rc2 Nac5) 42… Nb3 43. Rd7+ Ke8 44. Rb7 Nbd4+ 45. Bxd4 (45. Kd2 Rxe3
46. Kxe3 Nc2+) 45… Nxd4+ 46. Kd1 Kd8 (46… Rd3+ 47. Kc1 Rb3 48. Ra4 Ne6 49.
Ra8+ Nd8 50. Rd7 (50. Rab8 Rd6 51. c5 Rdd3 (51… Rc3+ 52. Kb2 Rxc5 53. Nd5))
50… Rxc4+) (46… Nxf3 47. Nd5 Ra1+ 48. Kc2 Ra2+ 49. Kc3 Ra8 50. Rh7 Rca6) (
46… Rxf3 47. Ra4 Rd3+ 48. Kc1 Nb3+ 49. Kc2 Nc5 50. Rb8+ Rd8 51. Rxd8+ Kxd8
52. Ra8+ Kc7 53. Nd5+ Kb7) 47. Rd7+ (47. Rh7 Ra1+ 48. Kd2 Nxf3+ 49. Ke2 Nd4+
50. Kf2 Ra2+) 47… Ke8 48. Rb7 Kd8 49. Nd5 Ra1+ 50. Kd2 Ra2+ 51. Rb2 (51. Kc1
Rc2+ 52. Kd1 R6xc4 53. Rb8+ Rc8 54. Rxc8+ Rxc8 55. Rb6 f5 56. exf5 Rc5 57. Rb8+
Kd7 58. Nf6+ Kc7 59. Rf8 Nxf5 60. Ne8+ Kd7) 51… Rxb2+ 52. Rxb2 Nxf3+ 53. Kd3
Ng5 54. Rb8+ (54. Rb7 Nxe4 55. Kxe4 Rxc4+ 56. Kf5) 54… Kd7 55. Rb7+ Kd6 56.
Nxf6 (56. Nb4 Nxe4 57. Kxe4 Rxc4+ 58. Kf3 h4 59. g4) 56… Ra6 57. Ne8+ Kc5 58.
Rc7+ Kb4 59. Rb7+ Kc5 60. Rc7+ Kb4 61. Rb7+ Kc5 1/2-1/2 ►Subscribe for my regular chess videos: ►Support the channel by donating via PayPal:


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  1. Good Game, I like the idea of Magnus at least trying for the win, even though he knew he had the tourney wrapped up. Shows alot of character imo.

  2. You know…. it isn't a brilliancy game for sure. It is just a hard battle game, with Magnus trying to squeeze out a win when already he won the tournament. I felt it was important to cover it though. I do love covering brilliancy games outside of these important recent tournaments. I see where your coming from.

  3. Good idea, this second round of analysis. It means that people who just want the overall picture of the game or are pressed for time can watch the first part.

  4. I saw some at chessbomb(dot)com for this tournament.

  5. The game was streamed at livestream(dot)com as well, by london chess classic, with commentators, for free.

  6. he is using Houdini 3 on a 32 bit computer

  7. After move 46; – Kd8, 47; Kc1(!? 48; Kb2) is indicated by the chess engine, and one Norwegian chess columnist "Sjakkfantomet" at blogg dot no, (The Chess Fantom), says this should lead to black ending a piece down (or a mating net) and an easy win for white.
    You didn't follow up on your computer's hint. Why not?

  8. I love that magnus is proving a point, vishy was also proving that magnus needs to be at his best, I feel vishy isnt phased by magnus's achivment?

  9. I thought that the Positional Play was rather nice.

  10. KC can you do a video on borislav ivanov's games where he was accused of cheating and forced to get nake by the judges?

    Thanks for your awesome work!

  11. I thought of this game immediately after the Candidates tournament.

  12. yeah chessbomb, but the chat sucks, a lot of trollers 🙂

  13. Great Video…no crushing action, because none blundered. However, very instructive positional play, highlighting the deep understanding and calculations of the super GMs

  14. Great game & EXCELLENT commentary/analysis!!!

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