2017 London Chess Classic: Round 3

The final leg of the Grand Chess Tour pits ten of the world’s best players against each other in London. Catch the move-by-move with GMs Yasser Seirawan, Cristian Chirila, Maurice Ashley, and WGM Jen Shahade.



  1. Mickey Adams sportin' that pysch ward patient look. Nice job!

  2. Aronian is just kidding,he offered draw just after he played Kh1,he saw Be7 after the offer

  3. every game has been a draw, its time to change scoring and give 3 points for a win

  4. Yawn. Day 3 of draws. The most boring chess in the world is played by the masters.

  5. Everyone scared to lose points, awful, waste of time.

  6. It's funny how the non American, Ian nepomniasonichi, has a more American name than The American, Fabiano

  7. Not sure why everyone is so against these draws – it's an elite level competition and when they both play well chess is, at best, a draw. Its frustrating when they draw really early but amateurs often suggest draws when they are losing rather than when equality is all you can hope for. That said, like many elite level competitions its all about who makes a mistake first.

  8. this is some high level wood pushing right there so I don't mind draws.

  9. Please get rid of this Cristian Chirila guy and get Maurice to come back to doing the analysis / color commentary. His broken third world English as a second language and lack of personality make listening to the broadcast intolerable.

  10. Ghirla is an idiot and a waste of space. He actually has the arrogance and pretentiousness to refuse to share theory with the ridiculous pretense that he might need to use it in a game. First of all, I doubt the low rated weak hack of a GM even has any theory to share. He's probably just making that up because he has nothing to say. Secondly, he is too weak to be a professional chess player and is only a strong amateur so his argument is moot anyway. The closest this moron will ever come to being useful in the chess world is sharing theory, if indeed he has any in the first place.

  11. Need better lighting for Christian

  12. Finally the tedious run of draws comes to an end. Caruana used the favourite defence of both Fischer and Kasparov the Sicilian. This blew Karjakin away. Well done Fab. You're the man!!!

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